Afzal al-Ghareeb (The Stranger)
The Islamic Chaliphate Protectorate of Burmastan is NOT a dream...
Its a Vision
Vivo Soltanto Per Il Dio
~Qui Suis Moi?~

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Courtesy of Khalifah Klothing

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I was just surfing about when i bumped into this nice
Its in german..but heck! u can guess what they mean,
They had this song...Liebe Schwester (feat. Serkan) REMIX.
theres a flash media file for

or..just go to the music's site

Its a very meaningful pro-hijaab rap. :sister:

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 5:39 pm



Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Dua Of Sheikh Al Mohaisany

Oh Allah, to whom belongs All Glory and Grandeur, Oh Allah The Omni-Potentent, The Supreme, The Greatest, The Highest We ask you of Your Glory and Power, And victory for the Mujahideen in your cause, Oh Allah remain beside them, and with them, Give them triumph; strenghthen them. Oh Allah unite their vision, Focus the aim of their weaponry, And consolidate their word.

And O Allah, fix their hearts, O Allah handle, take care of their enemies, O Allah dissipate their congregation, And shatter their integrity, And weaken their strengths, And throw the fear in their hearts, O Allah, our fates are in your hands, And our affairs all return to You, And our conditions are not obscured from Your knowledge, To You do we raise our misery, And our sorrow, And our complaint, To You, and You alone, do we complain the injustice of the oppressors, And the cruelty of the "faajereen" (literaly: perpetrators of debauchery), And the wrath of the betraying criminals,

To You, O Allah, do we complain the injustice of the spiteful Christians, O Allah, the night (the dark reign) of the oppressors has indeed lengthened, (Again) O Allah, the night of the oppressors has indeed lengthened, (And Again,) ... O Allah, the night of the oppressors has indeed lengthened, (Again) O Allah, the night of the oppressors has indeed lengthened The animosity of the atheists has extended deep

And ... the heads of the criminals Oh Allah, (pause) Oh Allah, Send upon them a hand from the truth ... To raise with it our humiliation, And to return to us our dignity, And to destroy our enemy with it, Oh Allah, (pause), Oh Allah, take care of the sources of injustice and oppression, (Again) Oh Allah, take care of the sources of injustice and oppression, Oh Allah, direct your forces against America, The center of Kufr and Fasaad (Again) Oh Allah, direct your forces against America, (Again) The center of Kufr and Fasaad Oh Allah, of them our are All-Aware, They spread fasaad in Your lands,

And they killed Your slaves, And they insulted Your religion (Again) Oh Allah, of them our are All-Aware, And over them All-Powerful, Oh Allah, direct your forces against them, (Again) Oh Allah, direct your forces against them, O Allah send upon them the Storms of 'Aad, And the Cry of the Thamoud, And the Typhoon of the people of Noah, O Allah send upon them that which descends from the skies, And of that which exudes from the lands, O Allah disintegrate their country, O Allah make them into divided countries and scattered parties, O Allah, Ever-Living and Omni-Potent, Make contain them within a fist's grip of Your slaves (i.e. under their control), (Again) Make contain them within a fist's grip of Your slaves, O Allah, make hurricanes a constant for them,

(Again) O Allah, make hurricanes a constant for them, (30 sec. pause...)

O Allah release our captured brothers, O Allah release them, O Allah, strengthen them, O Allah make them steady on their faith, O Allah make possible a means for them, O Allah handle those who torture them,

(Again) O Allah handle those who torture them, O Allah handle those who torture them O Allah eradicate them with Your power and Omni-Potence, O Allah, make their plots against us a cause for their destruction, And their slyness, slyness against them, O Lord of the worlds, O Ever-Living, O Omni-Potent, O Most-Mighty and Most-Gracious, Hearer of all prayer, Ever so close, accepting to all prayers, We all pray to You, full aware of Your promise, And of Your acceptance, For You have said, and Your speech is the truth: "Pray to Me, for I accept your prayers", O Allah accept our prayers for us, (Again) O Allah accept our prayers for us, O Allah, Everlasting, All-Powerful, The Omni-Potent over all that is in the heavens and the earth,

We ask you to save Al-Aqsa from the cruelty of the Jews, (Again) O Allah save Al-Aqsa from the cruelty of the Jews, O Allah free Al-Aqsa from every black-hearted Kafir, O Allah lay our eyes rest on a liberated Aqsa, and on the defeat of the spiteful Jews, O Most-Mighty and Most-Gracious, All creatures are unto You humiliated, meek, ... O Allah, our creator from a single soul, O Allah, Highest in status O Allah, Greatest in Strength We ask You glory for Islam and Muslims, O Allah, Ever-Living, Ever so Powerful, O Allah guard the hard working scholars, (Again) O Allah guard the hard working scholars,

And make steadfast those sincere in inviting to Your path, And raise the positions of those who order righteousness, and who forbid evil, And bestow the same mercy upon those Muslims who enjoin them, O Allah, Ever-Living, Ever so Powerful, O Most-Mighty and Most-Gracious, O Allah, he who devoted himself to hurt them, Talking to defame their honor, And tracking their refuge, And for whom You have willed no guidance, O Allah, make misery his destiny, O Allah, make misery his destiny, And disaster in his path, O Allah, convert his health to disease, And his strength into sickness, And his wealth, into poverty, And his power into weakness.

This doa literally brought me to tears.everytime i watch it..and even hear it.I'm going to save it..and gonna show it to my granpa next year InshaAllah.He thinks that the war in Iraq is just...ordained to be...nothing to be emotional about..well what can u expect from an ex-military general who served during the Chinese Burma war.
Wasalaam for now!

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 5:05 pm



Wednesday, March 16, 2005

ET L'ECOLE EST HORRIBLE! can i hate this life? its a gift from God...yeah...maybe today is a abyss of my life(eventhought its clearly not)...its still a gift...from Almighty.
When a king gives us a medal...we frame it..and keep it safe...and show it off to everyone.And life...its a gift from God most High.The only way i can treasure it is by keeping it safe from hate..and do whats good for my soul.Reading Qur'an...performing Namaaz...and...Dzikr are just to name few.
Yeah, today a good friend disappointed me a lot.I admit..I am mad at first..but...i realised...why should i chop down my apple tree just because of one rotten apple?...hahaha... Prolly I'ill just ignore the words he said today.My problem...I forgive people too easily...:(
LOl..yeah chemistry is killing me too.Organic chemistry is just torture.
and biology...its pure memory work(too).yesterday i managed to memorise the Glycolysis..and the krebbs cycle.phew! should read about nephrons(i.e. in ur kidney).Should be ok..inshaAllah.
But i still hate my college!
oh yeah ppl...I'ill be getting my results from the January exam tomorrow..wish me luck!
And yeah...I'ill be finishing (khatam karlo) the Qur'an tomorrow as well.I could have finsihed yesterday...but my mom insisted me to slow down a and only finish it on Friday night(i.e. Thursday nite under western calender)...So..we'ill make some specialfood tomorrow...and have a lil' prayer at home...and I'ill read my Do'a Khatam Qur'an then.This is my first time to finish reading Quran one my own..wihtout a teacher.
well...thats all folks!

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 4:39 pm



Sunday, March 13, 2005

A few weeks ago, someone was complaining thata Arabs werent helping their Muslim Brothers in theTsunami the prove that the Islamic Brother hood is still alive and strong.

Country Pledge in $ Pledge as % of GDP
Algeria $2,000,000 .0012%
Australia $815,000,000 .1543%
Austria $10,880,000 .0048%
Bahrain $2,000,000 .02041%
Belgium $16,320,000 .00548%
Bulgaria $140,000 .000276%
Canada $80,000,000 .00867%
China $83,000,000 .00106%
Croatia $690,000 .00177%
Cyprus $370,000 .00393%
Czech Republic $690,000 .000442%
Denmark $76,830,000 .0494%
European Union $529,300,000 n/a
Finland $66,160,000 .04857%
France $64,570,000 .00419%
Germany $660,000,000 .0302%
Greece $1,340,000 .00066%
Hungary $1,200,000 .00089%
India $25,000,000 .000939%
Ireland $13,620,000 .01149%
Italy $95,000,000 .00661%
Japan $500,000,000 .01408%
Kuwait $10,000,000 .0292%
Libya $2,000,000 .00488%
Luxembourg $6,800,000 .034%
Mali $200,000 .00204%
Netherlands $34,000,000 .00783%
New Zealand $3,600,000 .00457%
Niger $250,000 .00284%
North Korea $150,000 .000681%
Norway $181,900,000 .1272%
Poland $1,000,000 .00027%
Portugal $10,590,000 .00582%
Qatar $25,000,000 .1453%
Saudi Arabia $30,000,000 .1234%
Senegal $200,000 .00123%
Singapore $23,100,000 .022%
Slovakia $230,000 .000348%
Slovenia* $240,000 .000666%
South Korea $50,000,000 .00537%
Spain $68,020,000 .00821%
Sweden $80,000,000 .0352%
Switzerland $23,810,000 .0103%
Taiwan $50,250,000 .01234%
Turkey $1,250,000 .000267%
United Arab Emirates $20,000,000 .0377%
United Kingdom $96,000,000 .00631%
United States $350,000,000 .003365%
Venezuela $2,000,000 .00151%
World Bank $250,000,000 n/a

The top 15 countries ranked by their pledge as a percentage of their economy are as follows:

  • Australia

  • Qatar

  • Norway

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Denmark

  • Finland

  • United Arab Emirates

  • Sweden

  • Luxembourg

  • Germany

  • Kuwait

  • Singapore

  • Bahrain

  • Japan

  • Taiwan

thats 1/3 of the countries there....Arab nations!
Jazak Allahkhair

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 1:41 pm



Monday, March 07, 2005

My high school reunion...

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the thing started at 5pm...but becoz i intended to pray asr
before i went..I started to prepare at about 5:45 pm.Then...over
the next 30 minutes...i was ..well making myself presentable
infront of my old teachers.I tried to put on my contacts...but
due to some problems fitting them i i decided to just wear my
i wore the traditional northern burmese shirt and black
pants.ppl thought i looked chinese in that shirt:P

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My wardrobe choice:P

Well, by the time i reached there...i was..obviously, late.The
Crown Prince of the Perak state was just about to leave.Well..i
walked around alone at the HUGE school compound.It reminded me
of my days in high school...when i'm a loner...guess i'm still a
I walked to the Main block...there i met 2 ex-classmates.We
caught up with each other...havent met for over 6
months..well...saddly..both of them have started smoking...and
they said that another two guys from their gang(the Desi gang in
the class) have started smoking too.
Well...then we walked on to the school field...where the main
event was(i.e. the concert)
I paid the Rm10(US$2.50) entrance my hand stamped:P
there i met 2 other old of which i made use
of...since he's the only one who brought along a digital
camera(i dont have one...:()
Well...then we walked to the stage...when i met another fren.He
was the most decent fren i met that day..the others changed a
lot.He's still in his short neatly cut hair..with a respectable
wardrobe choice...shirt tugged in.He's doing fine he said.
Well...then i walked on with the other...and we sat at some
table in the field....far away from the stage coz its too chest beats with the music...:O
well...after that i went to walk to the other side of the field
alone...i was hoping to meet my teachers...
well...then i did met a teacher.she never taught me though..but
she knew me well...she was the afternoon section school
supervisor(when i was in afternoon school)...then a students
affairs super visor (when i was in morning school)...since i'm a
foreign student there...i had to interact with her alot!...a
more...she's the only one who can pronounce my name correctly.:D
well...i gave salaam toher..also the the man sitting next to
her.I told her I was doing A-levels(my course now)..and might be
doing medic after graduation.the man beside her heard me and
told me that he got a fren who'z searching for students to do
medic in Soviet(i.e.Moscow).He said that he can search for me
scholarships and get me a good place and nice foster parents
while i study there.Wow...offer too good to be true! he asked me
to meet the school counsellor and arrange an appointment with
the guy concerned(who is also an ex-student from my high school,
so he will be more then happy to help)...and the thing he said
afterwards made me felt special.."dont spread the news, if the
chinese boys get the news, there wont be any place for malays"
ps:malay can sometimes mean muslims in malaysian context.
I took my leave after a few moments...Then i went to the prayer
room to pray maghrib.the prayer room is beautiful now..compared
to 2 yrs ago when i was at the school.
Well...after the prayers...i walked back to the field...only to
be greeted by a grand fireworks display!!...St.John's Inst.
had made the headlines!

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Well...then i just walk here and there...met afew frens and
Then...i called up my closer frens...which consists of 4 Indian
muslims, a chinese muslim and a hindu....none of them
changed...and those indian muslims are strong muslims.thats why
i enjoy hanging with them.Anyway..we met up..and walked around
the school complex/compound...we met some frens and teachers
Summary of the ppl i met: most have kept long hairs...have gf
now..and..some started smoking..
I met my fave Bio teacher..a gujerathi.She asked me
how's my course coming along..i said its ok..then she asked me
about my further plan...i said i had none.She said i better
start planning! I told her its expensive...medic schools..then
she asked me...:"why dont u go to burma, its free there..and its
in english too" I agreed.I told my mom when i got home..and she
said thats the plan B...if everything else fail.
well..i finally came home at 9:45pm.

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 12:29 am



Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Well...I deleted a few names off my Stalk list...either because I see no point keeping it there...or because I just wanna do that!:evil:

And to the question do i dance....well..the last time i danced in public volunteerly was in elementry concert..
I danced...


Singing in the Rain...

well thats about it i can remember now(or i feel like tell you guys:D)