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كم تشتكي
كم تشتكي وتقول انك معدم والأرض ملكك والسما والأنجم
ولك الحقول وزهرها وأريجها ونسيمها والبلبل المترنم
والماء حولك فضة رقراقة والشمس فوقك عسجد يتضرم
والنور يبني في السفوح وفي الذرى دورا مزخرفة وحينا يهدم
هشت لك الدنيا فمالك واجما وتبسمت فعلى ملا يتبسم
إن كنت مكتئبا لعز قد مضى هيهات يرجعه إليك تنهم
إن كنت تشفق من حلول مصيبة هيهات يمنع أن تحل تجهم
Many you complain and say that you are poor how
While you own the earth, the sky and the stars
The fields with their flowers, fragrances, the breeze and
singing nightingale are all yours
Water is all around you like sparkling the silver
Sun is above you like burning gold
The light builds and sometimes destroys embellishing pearls
On foots and at the tops
The world received you so cheerfully
So why are you gloomy
And it smiled for you
why don't you smile
If you are depressed for past glory
How far it will return by sighs
If you are afraid from befalling misfortunes
How far it will be prevented by gloom
Or if you have passed your youth
Don't say time became old
As time does not age
Look still appearing from moist earth
beautiful pictures that they would almost speak