Afzal al-Ghareeb (The Stranger)
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Courtesy of Khalifah Klothing

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 there has been a little misunder standing over my new name, Al-Ghareeb.
the word Al-Ghareeb is arabic for "The Stranger"....

i got this idea from a nasheed(Islamic song) called
It means Strangers and its sung by Sheikh Sa’ad al-Ghaamidi... it really touched me when i heard it....
the lyrics to that song is available at
Its's the translation...

Ghuraba'a (Strangers) - Lyrics in English

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life

If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

We never care about the chains, rather we'll continue forever
We never care about the chains, rather we'll continue forever

So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world

So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening

How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life

If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

The Prophet said "Islam began as something strange, and it will return as something strange the way it began. So Tooba for the Strangers"

I've 1 person to thank for of my very closest friend Jetmir...for introducing me to that nasheed.
if you're reading this...falemnderit shumë! Sorry if it doesnt make sense!!

Anyway..yes...also...Imaan ..thank you for making me realise Al-Ghuraabi isnt the singular of Ghurabaa...haha..

and yes...why do i chose to be a stranger?...well...I am a stranger arent I?... you can read every single page of my life..yet how much can u know of an extent...i am a stranger to all mankind...except to my Lord,Whose Name be Praised.

And yes..I intend to make this into my family name..since at this moment, the House of Aung does not have a Muslim Family name other then the father's name inserted into the son's name..which lasts only for 1 generation.

And not official title i gave myself....its from "Khattab"Samir Saleh Abdullah Al-Suwailem of the Chechnya Mujahideen forces.
He took the name Khattab from Omar al-Khattab (r.a.).

So now u know more or less of my name(s).

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 12:22 pm



Monday, June 27, 2005


How's that for my name?..i'vedecided to adopt al-Ghareeb as my official middle name.

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 1:04 pm



Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Mu'anshed says;
(khudoonee lil jihadee wa anqi dhuunee)
Take Me to The Jihad And Save me
(minal dunya ila 7ubal manooni)
from the Dunya to the love of figthing


(fama fil ayshe khayrun in baqaynaa)
theres no kheyr in livin if we stayed
(na3eshu a3la tafahate aljununee)
alive in the ? of madness..


Take me to the Jihad and save me
from the Dunya to the love of fighting (battle)


(khuthune mazeqounee wazkuroone)
Take me and tare me apart and and remember me
(fama a7la alshadata fe 3uyune)
how beautifull is the shahada in the sight of mine..


Take me to the jihad and save me..
from the Dunya to the love of fightin (battle)..

theres no kheyr in livin if we stayed
livin in the ? of madness..

Take me and tare me apart and and remember me
how beautifull is the shahada in the sight of mine..

how beautifull is the shahada in the sight of mine...

ask if u want the nasheed file of this.

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 4:23 pm



Friday, June 24, 2005 a very very good friend of mine drew a caricature for me:P...i got to say..he's good at it..and to think it took him only 1-2 mins to draw it!

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 4:03 pm



Friday, June 10, 2005

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OK..this is me...:)

Sheikh Amir Afzal ibn Osman, Commander of the Lashkar-e-Mujahideen!

Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!

Kafa Bilillah Wakila!

Afzal blew the autumn leaves at 11:57 am



Saturday, June 04, 2005

when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life,

There were
times when I wondered if I would make it to today;but I did!
because I did I'm going to celebrate!
Today, I'm going to celebrate
what an unbelievable life I have had so far: the accomplishments, the many
blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make
me stronger.

I will marvel at God's seemingly simple
will go through this day with my head held high and a happy heart.

the morning dew,

the sun,

the clouds,
the trees,


the birds.

none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice

Today, I will share my excitement for life with other
I'll make someone smile. I'll go out of my way to
perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know.
Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down.
I'll tell a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how
deeply I care for them and how much they mean to me.

Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't have and
start being grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given
me. I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my
faith in God and his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just

And tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go
outside and raise my eyes to the heavens. I will stand in awe at the
beauty of the stars and the moon, and I will praise God for these
magnificent treasures.

As the day
ends and I lay my head down on my pillow,
I will thank the Almighty
for the best day of my life.
And I will sleep the sleep of a contented
excited with expectation because
I know tomorrow is going
to be the best day of my life, ever!