People I Stalk
Sites I Jam
October 2004
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May 2008
Go through the trials of life, the little of little trials,
And prepare yourself for the long journey. (1)
In his obedience you win both, life on earth and the hereafter,
And in his obedience there is pride for the humiliated slave.
Repeat (1)
And in his disobedience there is shame and fire (hellfire),
And in such distance (from your Lord) you shall only find humiliation.
Repeat (1)
So do not disobey your Lord, and obey Him, always,
For you might be (luckily) accepted.
Repeat (1)
And our Lord prays (grants His blessings) at all times, and offers peace (Salaam) at sunset and sunrise, to Taha, the messenger who brought in good tidings (Prophet Mohammed 3alayhi al salaat wa al sallam Peace and Blessings of ALlah be upon him), the seal of the Prophets, the guide, the leader.