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Assalamaleykum wrbt. From Nick Berg to Tom Fox...everytime a western is kidnapped and then executed...there are vigils and endless coverage on all major News channels. What made them so speacial..and so significant..that we pay more attention to their death rather then other 150'000 other Iraqis? Is it because they could have lived a peaceful life, but rather had gone to a war zone and risk their life..and eventually lost it? or perhaps its because they tried hard for humanitarian cause in the War torn Iraq? or simply because they are Westeners? let me run through a short list of names... a)Hashim al-Khashali b)Hikmat Hussein Ali c)Mohammed Hoshyar d)Athra Zughair e)Mina Mohammed Abid do you know any of them? ... think hard...harder... .. need a hint? ... They are all Iraqi Martyrs.No they werent fighting the Imperialist Army.They were being Muslims in their own homeland.They opt to stay in the Land of the Two great rivers, the Soil of the Glorious Islamic days...rather then to seek refuge in other country. for your information... a)Hashim al-Khashali was a Sunni Imaam b)Hikmat Hussein Ali was a Shi'a Imaam c)Mohammed Hoshyar was an aid worker d)Athra Zughair was a 12 year old girl e)Mina Mohammed Abid was a 3 year old boy. Lets spend a moment of silence and offer them our prayers. "Ya Rabb, ya Khaleeq, yaa Khafidh, ya Rahmaan, ya Raheem, ya Shaheed.Please accept the souls of your servants and place them with the Noble Sahabahs.Ease their pain in their grave and ease their pain on the Judgement day.Ya Allah, give strenght to their family who survived,and give them a better peaceful life.So that they may worship You without fear in their hearts,except the fear for You." *recite Suratul Fatihah* These are the unsung heros, at least in my eyes.No, they have not died...for anyone who is Martyred fisabilillah, lives though we may not perceive it. (2:154 And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah. "They are dead." Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not.) Today,I pay my tribute to the unsung Martyrs of Iraq and other Muslim nations...and reaffirm my allegiance to Allah s.w.t. for partial list of Iraqi casualties please check IRaq Body Count |